Sunday, January 13, 2008

Off Roadin' Alpha available *soon*

NOTE: Alpha now available. See above post.

Off Roadin' currently features:
- Interactive AI car control systems
- Dirt trail particle systems
- Functional menus
- Realistic physics - uses PhysX engine
- FPS counter
- Terrain made with Unity 3d terrain engine
- And much more!
Soon to come:
- Checkpoints
- Lap counters
- Graphical improvements
- And more!

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun, but a lot of work. No wonder we haven't seen you in Redline.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap..omg omg omg. YOUR MAKING GAMES NOW? lol nice. Good Luck and also, will this have a multiplayer feature? (online)


Danny L. said...

Thanks for the comments!

For now, this game will be aimed at online sites like After I get some actual funding, the game will be expanded to allow multiplayer, user created content, etc. Basically a Redline clone, except more graphically advanced, better physics (no promises though), things like that. (Also, Unity Pro allows building Windows games without even having to touch a Windows box.)

To move things along, you could donate, ;) but I won't force you to.

Danny L.